Best Female Urogynecologists in Nashik

Best Female Urogynecologists In Nashik

Pediatric Urology & Female Urogynaecology

For the best female Urogynecologist in Nashik, visit Dr. Daga’s clinic. Here, Dr. Sudarshan Daga is a specialist in it. Urogynecology is a specialty dedicated to the treatment of disorders of the female pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is a set of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue in the lowest part of the pelvis that provides support for a woman’s bladder, vagina, uterus, rectum, and bowel. Pelvic floor disorders occur when women have weakened pelvic muscles or tears in the connective tissue due to excess strain on the pelvis. Pregnancy and childbirth, repeated strenuous activity, obesity, aging, menopause, chronic diseases, prior pelvic surgery, fibroids or pelvic tumors, and other factors like tobacco use and genetics can also affect pelvic strength.


Urogynecologists are doctors who receive special training to diagnose and treat women with these disorders. Some of the common problems treated by a urogynecologist include urinary incontinence or leakage, pelvic organ prolapse (dropping of the vagina, uterus, bladder, and rectum), and an overactive bladder. Other conditions include fecal incontinence, vaginal atrophy, recurrent urinary tract infections, hormone replacement, interstitial cystitis, fistulas, and neurological dysfunction of the bladder and pelvic floor.

Urogynecology can also address female sexual dysfunction and painful intercourse. A urogynecologist completes medical school and a residency in obstetrics and gynecology, or urology. These physicians are specialists with additional years of fellowship training and certification in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. The training provides expertise in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions that affect the muscles and connective tissue of the female pelvic organs. For better treatment, see the Best Female Urogynecologist in Nashik. Meet Dr. Sudarshan Daga, Nashik